Neck Lift Surgery in Bergen County, NJ

Neck Lift Surgery Paramus NJ

A funny thing happens when people are concerned about the effects of aging on their faces — they often stop at the chin. They stress about the crow’s feet and the nasolabial folds, the puffy eyes and the 11s, but they overlook the banding and deep creases that develop on the neck.

Because of its makeup and the effects of gravity, the neck can actually be one of the first areas to show aging. From looseness under the chin to hanging skin, time isn’t a friend to your neck. But, except during winter, most of our clothing choices put our weathered necks right out there for all to see.

What Is A Neck Lift?

A neck lift with Dr. Ferraro can address aging of the neck. The procedure, clinically known as a lower rhytidectomy, is often combined with a facelift to address the entire mid-face downward. But unlike facelifts, where there is the option to use dermal fillers and neuromodulators on a temporary basis in lieu of surgery, the only way to address neck skin aging is with surgery.

Do I Need A Neck Lift?

Unlike the rest of the body, the skin on the neck is truly hanging. Due to the function of the throat, the skin can’t be overly taut and constricting. If you pinch the skin on your neck you can pinch much easier than everywhere else on your body. Gravity loves this inherent looseness. That’s why sometimes a person’s face doesn’t show much aging, but his or her neck does. Wrinkling on the neck skin, neck bands, a “ turkey wattle,” jowls. Ugh.

What Can A Neck Lift Correct?

Here are aging issues that can be improved with a neck lift:

  • Loose neck skin
  • Muscle banding
  • Double chin
  • Fat pockets and relaxed skin at the bottom of the face
  • Fat pockets under the chin
  • Jowls

Patient Testimonial

Male, Caucasian 65 - Paramus, NJ
Dr. Ferraro was very clear and informative about the procedure, recovery and results. The only difference between his estimation of return to exercise...READ MORE
Disclaimer: Reviews shown here are curated from RealSelf. Results and patient experience may vary.

How Is a Neck Lift Performed?

There are two options when considering a neck lift — a traditional neck lift and a limited incision neck lift. You will discuss these with Dr. Ferraro during your consultation.

Traditional neck lift— If your neck aging is extensive and widespread, you’ll need the traditional approach. Two incisions, one on each side of the head, begin in the sideburn area and descend down around the earlobe, ending in the hairline at the back of the scalp. In a neck lift the platysma muscle, the muscle that runs from the upper areas of the deltoid and pectoral muscles all the way up to the jaw, is very important. It’s responsible for neck banding, as the muscle loosens with age. Once Dr. Ferraro pulls the skin away from the muscle and fat beneath, he first repositions or re-sculpts the fat, removing excess. Then he tightens the platysma muscle. The skin is then pulled upward and re-draped over the newly contoured supporting tissue, and excess skin is trimmed. If the patient has a double chin and serious fat deposits in that area, Dr. Ferraro will likely make a second incision under the chin to gain direct access. Liposuction may be used to remove fat.

Limited neck lift— As you would expect, a limited neck lift only addresses moderate neck aging. Rather than continuous incisions around the ear into the lower scalp, only small incisions are made near the ear. A limited neck lift cannot deliver a full re-draping of the skin or reposition tissue extensively.

Post Surgical Care

The makeup of the neck makes for a more involved recovery. Some things seem obvious, such as the need to keep your head straight and minimize twisting or bending of your altered neck tissue. But one thing that applies in most recoveries — applying ice to minimize swelling — is forbidden with neck lift surgery. Why? In this area of the body, ice can compromise blood flow to the neck, leading to tissue death. Also, keeping your head elevated is very important.

Neck Lift FAQ

How Long Before I Can Go Back To Work After A Neck Lift?

It’s usually 10 to 14 days before you can return to work.

When Can I Exercise Again?

Strenuous exercises, especially ones that put undo tension on the neck, should be avoided for at least six weeks after surgery. However, depending on your recovery, it may be longer. It is always best to speak with your surgeon before resuming exercise.

When Can I Expect Results?

The results after a neck lift are immediate. However, the final result will take some time to see as swelling and bruising goes down.

What Are The Benefits of a Neck Lift?

If you decide to undergo a neck lift, you will be privy to a variety of benefits, which include:

  • A more youthful appearance - Tightening the muscles, sagging skin, and wrinkles will give you a more youthful appearance.
  • Improved profile - Having a neck lift can also significantly improve both your side and frontal profile simply by eliminating excess fat and skin.
  • Confidence booster - Many patients report higher levels of self-confidence after having a neck lift. Since they are no longer feeling self-conscious about what their neck looks like, they also report feeling more self-assured.

Am I a Good Candidate For a Neck Lift?

Ideal candidates for a neck lift are those who are unhappy with the sagging skin or excess fat in their neck area. They are also in reasonably good health and have reasonable expectations of what a neck lift can do. It is equally important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you determine if a neck lift is right for you.

What is The Recovery Process Like?

The recovery period after a neck lift varies between patients. However, after the procedure, you can expect to experience some swelling, redness, and bruising. Most patients are able to return to work and light activity between one and two weeks after having a neck lift. More strenuous exercise and activity should be avoided until cleared by your surgeon.

Are The Results of a Neck Lift Permanent?

While the results of a neck lift are long-lasting, the natural aging process will continue. That is why it is important to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, proper skincare, and eating a balanced diet.

Are There Any Risks Associated With a Neck Lift?

Similar to other surgical procedures, a neck lift does come with its own set of risks and complications.

Some of the most common risks include the following:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Possible scarring
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Undesired aesthetic results

These risks are why it is important to discuss them with your plastic surgeon and follow their post-operative instructions to minimize complications.

Can a Neck Lift Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Yes, many patients combine a neck lift with other procedures to enhance their final result. You may have a facelift at the same time or a blepharoplasty to enhance the results. Combining multiple procedures can even reduce downtime overall.

Will I Have Visible Scars After a Neck Lift?

Your plastic surgeon will strategically place incision lines in inconspicuous areas, such as behind the ears or under the chin, to minimize their appearance. Scars will fade over time with proper scar reduction techniques.

To schedule a consultation, click here or contact our office at 201-664-8000 »

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