Breast Augmentation Bergen County

Frank J. Ferraro, MD medical director of Plastic Surgery Specialists of NJ located at 2 Sears Drive, Suite 103, Paramus, NJ 07652 has utilized the Sientra 106 high profile silicone breast implant with the breast augmentation surgery and his patients are showing a very satisfied result.

Breast augmentation in Bergen County NJ is a very common plastic surgery procedure. Patients are asking for silicone implants because of the FDA approval and safety associated with the breast implant.

Breast augmentation is done via the crease incision and Frank J. Ferraro, MD of Plastic Surgery Specialists of NJ located at 2 Sears Drive Suite 103 Paramus NJ 07652 uses a Keller Funnel to place the implant beneath the muscle. The Keller Funnel used during breast augmentation allows Dr. Ferraro to use a smaller incision and the no touch technique. Call today for a complimentary consultation at 2016648000 and visit our website at


Before breast augmentation

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Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 8AM – 3PM

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