Getting Ready for Halloween with a Treatment

Facelift Surgery Paramus, NJWe love autumn and all of the seasonal changes we’re making. We’re completely getting into the mood for sweaters, candles, and pumpkin-flavored things. It’s the season where we start to settle back into the routine of being at home, and we get ready for days spent at home under cozy blankets. That being said, we’re ready to get things done before we can start hibernation-season.

Halloween is coming, and with it may come little reminders of what we don’t want to look like. We may recognize the crow’s feet in the witch on our door, or our significant other might draw a comparison between our ears and the little woodland fairies in our movie. Sometimes it’s cute, but other times it just brings out the self-conscious part of us. Keep reading for a few of our favorite Halloween-time treatments.

Fairytale Ears

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is surgery designed to correct the appearance of disfigured or protruding ears that you may not be so happy with. Many superficial issues of the ear can be treated with otoplasty. If you feel your ears are too large, shaped oddly, or are simply situated where you don’t like them, then otoplasty could be a great option for you.

Wrinkles of a Witch

Wrinkles are the most common form of aging when it comes to the face. You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone without wrinkles (at least naturally). But, don’t let genetics and bad decisions when you were younger control who you are now. Chemical peels can help reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, and Botox can help with those deeper-set wrinkles you don’t love.

Mummy Nose

That mummy has surely seen better days, because for some reason every mummy has a pretty sad nose. Most of the time, the skin is completely gone! Though your nose is perfect compared to that, you may still find you don’t love the shape or size. A rhinoplasty consultation can help you determine exactly what we can do to help.

Give us a call at (201) 664-8000 to discuss what we can help you with. We offer many services to help you look and feel your best!

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