Man Boobs Don’t Need to Be

When you’re at the shore, hearing jokes about some guy’s “man boobs” isn’t unusual. Of course, most people assume a man’s enlarged breasts are simply the result of being overweight. And in some cases that is true. But in 50% of men, they actually have a condition known as gynecomastia or male breast enlargement. So, while it may seem that the enlarged breasts are the man’s own fault, reality is often different. Enlarged breasts can really hammer a man’s self-esteem. And when you’re at the shore, who wants to worry about anything?

To fix the condition, Dr. Moskovitz performs male breast reduction.

What leads to gynecomastia?

In some of our male breast reduction cases, Dr. Moskovity simply removes fat. In others there may be fat and breast tissue. In others, it may be fat, breast tissue, and excess skin. The causes of adult gynecomastia aren’t fully understood. Some men as they age experience hormonal changes that cause enlarged breasts. More often, taking certain drugs and medicines can cause the condition:

• Antibiotics
• Anti-anxiety drugs
• Heartburn treatment drugs
• Tricyclic antidepressants
• Steroids
• AIDS treatment drugs

Men can also develop gynecomastia through marijuana and heroin use, or from excessive alcohol consumption.

As an interesting side note, pubescent boys can also have gynecomastia, although it doesn’t usually require surgery. Actually, 70% have the condition at some point in their puberty, due to estrogen and testosterone levels that fluctuate wildly in puberty. Most teenage gynecomastia passes as hormone levels stabilize.

Breast reduction surgery

If a man has true gynecomastia he will usually have a firm, rubbery mass underneath the nipple area. The size of this mass is around 1.5 inches across and it may be sensitive to the touch.

If surgery is required, Dr. Moskovitz makes small incisions in the armpits or around the areolae. Through those incisions, excess fat and glandular tissue are removed and excess skin is trimmed. Liposuction may be added to remove fat pockets.

If you want to make your trips to the shore more enjoyable, let’s address those “man boobs.” Call us at 201-225-1101 and schedule a consultation.

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