A recent article on Bloomberg.com reveals the latest release of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Breast augmentation has replaced liposuction as the number one procedure in women for 2008. The reasons for this are affordability coupled with the FDA approval of silicone implants.
Breast augmentation, although down in absolute numbers, remains a popular procedure even in this economic time. I think patients feel that silicone is a safe and more natural alternative to saline breast implants.
Patients are also more aware of a youthful appearance and how this translates into a safe and desirable surgery. Breast augmentation can assist patients to make a change that will give them the look they had years earlier.
As far the economy, the practice remains strong and I find the patients asking for breast augmentation has held steady since the recession began in December 2007. I feel we have weathered the worst and patients will continue to achieve the results they desire through breast augmentation.