Breast Augmentation-Silicone vs. Saline

Many patients debate what implant to use in breast augmentation surgery. The differences, safety record and ultimate outcome depend on your understanding of these differences.

Silicone implants now used in breast augmentation and a third generation implant. The problems with the older style silicone implants was durabilty and subsequent rupture. To solve this preoblem the manufacturers have completed two main changes. One is to strengthen to outer wall and add an inner lining to decrease the incidence of rupture. The two wall layer gives added protection but detracts little from the natural result.

The second major change in silicone implants is that the gel itself is more coherent. This means that in the case of rupture to silicone gel inside the implant will move less in case of a wall leak. My patients call them “gummy bears”.

With breast augmentation the patient has many options regarding the implant style, shape and materials. Saline is fast becoming an obselete option and silicone is what my patient are asking for. The saline have rupture rates that are comparable to the silicone implants. If the implants rupture they must be exchange for new implants. In general the warranty from the manufacturer will cover most if not all of the costs.

There are several resources to read and compare the choice of silicone or saline used for breast augmentation. One is our website at Second would be literature from the manufacturer which will be given to you and explained during your consultation.

All decisions in breast auigmentation are important one of the major choices are silicone vs. saline and I hope I haved answered some of your questions.

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