Preparing for Plastic Surgery the Right Way

The decision to undergo plastic surgery is not one to be entered into lightly. And once you’ve decided to go for it, you probably feel not only excited by a little apprehensive. One of the ways to ease your jitters is to be sure you’ve done everything you can to prepare yourself for the big day and the days to follow. Here are some helpful tips to help you get ready for this monumental step:

  1. Read up. Your doctor will give you an information packet explaining the procedure and how to best prepare before surgery. Since knowledge is power, the more you know beforehand, the more empowered you’re likely to feel on surgery day.
  2. Stop taking certain medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and Ibuprofen will need to be cut out two weeks prior to your procedure. That’s because they can increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
  3. Don’t smoke. At least two weeks prior to surgery, stop smoking. It can seriously interfere with circulation and wound healing.
  4. Stock up. Grocery shop before your surgery to make sure you have plenty of food items on hand. Look for foods that you’ll be able to eat such as pudding, Jell-o, clear soups and soft foods.
  5. Clean your house. After surgery isn’t the time to put clean sheets on the bed, for example. Be sure to set up your bed with lots of soft pillows for elevation, and set up your night stand with the most common things you’ll need like a TV remote, phone, water, crackers and medications.
  6. Take a bath or shower. This can help in two ways: 1) it will help you relax and calm any pre-surgery jitters and help you get a good night’s sleep, and 2) you’ll feel fresh and clean the next morning. Wash your hair and remove all fingernail and toenail polish to be surgery-ready.

Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of and preparing for plastic surgery?
For more information about any of our Plastic Surgery Specialists of NJ services, please contact us or call (201) 664-8000 today to schedule an appointment.

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