Understanding the difference between the liposuction procedure vs the tummy tuck

shutterstock 169798649 It is important for men and women to feel comfortable in their own body, and have the confidence to wear whatever they please. However, many adult men and women struggle with body acceptance. They may have certain areas of the body that do not respond well to more natural changes such as improvements in diet or increase of exercise. One of the more common problem areas for both genders is the abdominal area. The tummy tends to accumulate fat faster than any other area of the body, and this stubborn fat can be difficult to address with diet and exercise alone. Patients in the Paramus, NJ area who are considering ways to improve body contours and reduce fat in this area often turn to a plastic surgeon for recommendations. 

What can be done about excess fat in the tummy area? 

Dr. Frank Ferraro of Plastic Surgery Specialists of New Jersey in Paramus, NJ may recommend one of two procedures for these patients: liposuction or tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Both liposuction and tummy tucks have been popular surgeries for both men and women over time, but there are distinct differences between the two. Below is the breakdown of the liposuction procedure vs. the tummy tuck procedure. 

  • Liposuction. Liposuction is the manual removal of unwanted, stubborn fat from any area of the body. When performed on the stomach area, it uses a cannula that is inserted into small access points throughout the abdomen. It essentially vacuums out the fat to remove it from the body permanently. It does not address excess skin.
  • Tummy tuck. The tummy tuck procedure incorporates liposuction to remove unwanted fat, but also removes excess skin as well. It requires a significant incision along the lower belly above the pubic area to remove skin and stitch the remaining skin back in place. It is more invasive, but appropriate for patients with both excess fat and excess skin.

Call Dr. Frank Ferraro today! 

If you are ready to learn more about the benefits of liposuction and/or the tummy tuck procedure and live in the area of Paramus, NJ, contact our team by calling (201) 664-8000 to request a consultation visit. We are dedicated to helping patients look their best and achieve improved self-confidence with specific esthetic procedures. The office is located at 2 Sears Drive, Suite #103 and accepts new and returning patients seeking plastic surgery solutions for the body. 

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