plastic surgeon Paramus

Frank J. Ferraro, MD of Plastic Surgery Specialist of NJ located at 2 Sears Drive, Paramus, NJ 07652 has closely followed his patients after breast augmentation. Most patients feel secure with the new gummy bear implants and feel they are equally soft compered to standard silicone gel implants.

Some patients however have noticed that the shaped gummy bear silicone implants are more firm compared to the silicone gel implants. Both styles have advantages and disadvantages. One is safety, the profile for both types is excellent. However the gummy bear implants are more cohesive and represent less risk if rupture should occur. This does not outweigh the very natural results of the standard silicone gel implants. Both silicone implants are FDA approved. Call today for your complimentary consultation to meet with Frank J. Ferraro, MD to discuss all your options. Our consultations are complimentary.

Frank J. Ferraro, MD

2 Sears Drive

Suite 103

Paramus, NJ 07652

phone 2016648000


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Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 8AM – 3PM

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