The A to Z of Otoplasty

Otoplasty refers to the surgical procedures which are performed to lend a more anatomic and natural appearance to the auricle. The defect is corrected by the otoplasty surgeon by the creation of an “external ear”, which has a natural appearance, proportions and contour. This is achieved by reshaping, moving and augmenting the pinna’s cartilaginous framework.

Understanding Otoplasty

For those who have protruding or ill-shaped ears, especially children, otoplasty might be the ideal solution since it helps in correcting the structural abnormalities in the ears.

Ideally, otoplasty works best when performed on children in the age group of 4 to 14. This helps avoid all kind of teasing coming their way, which could cause psychological damage over a period of time. However, even adults undergo otoplasty.

As opposed to common belief, otoplasty is not merely used for correcting protruding years. It can help in dealing with the following issues:

  • Unusually big ear lobes
  • A condition called ‘Lop Ear’, when the tips of the ear fold downward and forward
  • A condition called ‘Shell Ear’, when some of the features, as seen in a normal human ear go missing, e.g. certain natural folds.

The Otoplasty Procedure

At present, there are various ways to reshape the ear. One such procedure involves the cutting out of the ear’s cartilage. Another method requires folding the cartilage and stitching it, rather than cutting it off. In the latter, it is the skin that is cut, not the cartilage.

In both the cases, the surgeon starts with a tiny incision which is made behind your ear. This gives access to the cartilage, required for the execution of the procedure. The surgery is completed with the securing of stitches.

For more Information on Otoplasty, Contact Dr. Frank J. Ferraro.

If you wish to understand more about otoplasty or have certain inquiries regarding the procedure, contact Dr. Frank J. Ferraro or book an appointment with Plastic Surgery Specialists of New Jersey by calling at 201.664.8000. We are located at Sears Drive Suite, Paramus, New Jersey.

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