Breast lift Paramus, Bergen County, NJ

Plastic Surgery Specialists of NJ located at 2 Sears Drive Suite 103 Paramus NJ 07652 in the heart of Bergen County will discuss with their patients the use of silicone breast implants with a breast lift. Some patients just need to restore volume and they are appropriate for a silicone breast implant alone. Similarly some patients require a breast lift without a breast implant. However most patients need both an implant and a breast lift. The patients we see at Plastic Surgery Specialists of NJ are the ones who have had children and lost a little in the breast size and the breast has dropped a little. These patients will do very well with a breast lift with implants. The incision is an anchor or lollipop type. The breast implant will go beneath the muscle. This combinations provides excellent and natural results. Visit for pictures and further information and call 2016648000 to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Plastic Surgery Specialists of NJ 2 Sears Drive #103 Paramus, Bergen County, NJ 07652

2016648000 and

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Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 8AM – 3PM

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